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You don't have to stop partying when you have kids!

About Us

To have some fun!

Paul was a bit of a DJ, back in the day (that’s the last century to most of you!).  As he grew up and had children, the nightlife used to be, well, almost non existent.  However, when the kids started to have birthday parties, he sometimes did the music and, quickly, things moved from catering only for the kids into getting other parents up dancing (well, his kids birthday parties are always parent ‘friendly’ 😉 ).  The feed back from parents was pretty similar – they had a better time than the kids and why cant they have fun like this on a more regular basis.

The basic format for Family Disco was formed from these comments.

Initially running a few events specifically for friends and family, the format was taken ‘on the road’ in 2022, with more venues wanting to participate in the fun.  It was decided that professional DJ’s should be brought in and, starting in 2025, some famous names from the late 20th century will hopefully start making appearances, meaning Paul will have more time to join in the fun!

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